This site gathers some customer’s Personal Data
Tipografia Bonanno dei F.lli Bonanno A. e V. A. snc
Via Trastevere, 8
95037 San Giovanni La Punta (CT)
Among retrieved personal data by this Web Site there are: e-mail, cookie, Utilization Data, name, surname, sex, date of birth, telephone number, address, business name, fiscal code, VAT number, nation, province, postcode, city, invoicing address, delivery address and street number.
Other retrieved personal data could be pointed out in other parts of the current privacy policy.
Personal data can be put voluntarily by the user or retrieved automatically while using the web site.
Possible use of Cookie – or other means of tracking - this web site or third services responsible used by this site, aims to identify the User and record his preferences in order to comply well with the service requested by the User.
The lack of some personal data on the User’s side could prevent this web site from supplying its services.
The user is responsible for publishing or sharing third parties personal data through this web site and guarantees to have the right to communicate and circulate them, freeing our firm from any responsibility to the detriment of third parties.
Processing Modality
The Proprietor uses appropriate security measures in treating the User’s Personal Data. That is to prevent access, circulation, modification or non authorized destruction. Processing is made by information and computer means, strictly correlated to the purpose. Besides the owner, in some cases, people involved in the organization of the site are (administrative, commercial, marketing, lawyers, staff ) or external subjects (like technical services suppliers (PROVIDERS), post courier, hosting providers, communication agencies) if necessary. User may always ask for the updated Responsible list
Data are processed on our premises and everywhere else process parties are located . For further information contact us, please.
Data are processed for the right length of time according to the services required by the customer and the user may always ask for the Data interruption or cancellation.
User’s Data are retrieved to allow our firm to provide our services, for the following purposes: to contact the User, Social network and external platforms interaction, Registration and identification.
Used personal data typology for each purpose are indicated in the specific sections of this particular document.
The Personal Data are collected for the following purposes and using the following services:
• Contact the User
Mailing list or newsletter
Logging into the mailing list or to the newsletter implies the automatic inclusion in a list of contacts that can receive commercial and promotional information emails concerning this web site.
The user’s email address may be added to this list as a result of the logging into this web site or a purchase.
Retrieved Personal Data: email
• Contact Form
When the User fills in the contact form with his data, he agrees to their use to answer enquiries. Quotation and any other kind of information specified in the heading of the form.
Retrieved Personal Data: email
• Log-in and authentication
Log-in and authentication allows the User to be identified and have access to dedicates services.
Log-in and authentication may be supplied by third parties. In this case we can use their information data.
• Direct log-in
The User logs-in when he fills the log-in form giving his Personal Data to this web site.
Retrieved Personal Data: postcode, taxpayer’s code number, surname, date of birth, street number, telephone number, VAT registration number, province, business name and sex.
• E-commerce
This web site’s activity is e-commerce.
Personal Data are used to sell goods and to supply services to the Customer including payment and delivery.
Personal Data for payment may concern credit card, current account used for the transfer order or other means of payment. Payment retrieved Data depends on the method of payment. This web site shares with the Bank only payment Data.
Personal Data retrieved: Data various typologies.
Our services to organize payments allows this web site to process payments through credit card , bank order or other means. To guarantee maximum safety, this web site shares with middlemen (mediators, brokers) who manage these systems of payment only the information necessary to execute the transaction.
• Paypal
Paypal is a payment service offered by Paypal Inc. It allows the customer to pay online using his own Paypal credentials.
Personal Data retrieved: Data various typologies.
To consult a complete Paypal privacy policy it is possible to visit:
• Interaction with social network and external platforms
With these services you can interact with social network or other external platforms , directly from this web site.
Interactions and information retrieved by this web site are subject to User’s privacy.
When an interaction service with social network is installed, even if the customers do not use an interaction service, it is possible that the service retrieves traffic data concerning the pages where it is installed.
The ‘I like’ key and social widget are interaction services with the social network Facebook, supplied by Facebook Inc.
Personal data: Cookie and Utilization Data.
Processing place USA – Privacy Policy
• Statistics
The services of this section are used to monitor and analyse traffic data and are used to keep track of the User’s behaviour.
• Google Analytics with anonymous IP (Google Inc.)
Google Analytics is an analysis service supplied by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses Personal Data to trace and examine the utilization of this web site, to make reports and share them with other Google services.
Google may use Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the adverts of their own promotional network.
Google Analytics makes your IP address anonymous. They shorten User’s address within the borders of the EU countries and the others joining European Economic Space. Only exceptionally, IP address will be sent to the Google server and shortened within the USA.
Personal data: Cookie and Utilization Data.
Processing place USA – Privacy Policy
• Online troubleshooting for consumers
European consumers should know that the European Commission founded an online platform which offers to resolve disputes
This means can be used by the European Users to solve legally disputes deriving from sales of contracts through the Web.
Platform link (
Our Firm is available to answer your questions ; just fill the contact form found on the site.
Trial defence
User’s Personal Data can be used by the Manager’s defence before the court.
The User declares to know that the Manager can show Data if requested by the authority.
Specific information
Besides the information given in this privacy policy, the User can ask for further information concerning specific services, or Personal Data retrieving and processing.
System and maintenance Log
For maintenance and functioning reasons, this web site and its third services can retrieve the system log, that is files which register interactions and that can contain also Personal Data, like the User’s IP.
Information not included in this policy.
Further information concerning Personal Data processing can be requested at any moment from the processing manager, using the contact information.
Exercise of rights by the Users.
Users have the right to know all details about their Personal Data retrieved by the processing Manager. The User can also ask for integration or deletion, updating, correction and anonymous transformation .
This web site does not support “Do Not Track” requests.
To know if utilized third parties services support them the User has to consult the privacy policy.
Privacy Policy modifications
The Manager can modify the privacy policy at any moment through the web site. It is advisable to consult the web site regularly. If the User does not accept these modifications he must stop using this web site and can ask the Manager to remove his Personal Data.
Privacy policy information.
The Processing Data Manager is responsible for this privacy policy.